Frequently asked questions.

Have more questions because this therapy thing can be confusing?

Do you have availability?

Yes currently accepting new clients!

What are your fees?

For the first session:

Intake session ………….. $250

For recurring appointments:

50 minute session …….. $200

80 minute session*……….$250

*I offer 80 minute sessions typically for EMDR sessions as it can be helpful to have a longer session time. This being said I am open to scheduling a longer appointment time if available. Let me know if you are interested in this option.

Can I use out of network benefits?

If you would like to use your insurance, I am considered an out of network provider. This means if your insurance covers mental health benefits (call the number on the back of your card to verify) then I can provide you with a special receipt (superbill) after our completed sessions. You will pay me directly. Then you turn in the receipt to your insurance and they will reimburse you directly. More than likely it won’t cover my full fee but it all depends on your coverage.

If you are still confused or need a visual, my colleague does a great job explaining out of network benefits here.

In order to make this process much less complicated and easier for you, I have partnered with Thrizer. They handle all of the claims and superbills and work with your insurance to get your out of network benefits figured out. If you would like to figure out what your insurance covers in terms of out of network benefits go to this link and input your insurance information.

Why don’t you take insurance?

The biggest reason I don’t take insurance is because the majority of my practice is filled with GenZ & Millennials who struggle with complex trauma and for lots of reason I have detailed on my blog here, complex trauma isn’t an official diagnosis in the DSM (big book of official diagnoses). When a therapist takes insurance, we are required to give a client a diagnosis in order to get paid for the session, and since complex trauma isn’t an official diagnosis, I cannot use it. And sometimes my clients don’t meet criteria for a diagnosis and I don’t believe this should exclude them from therapy.

Another reason is insurance payouts can very unreliable, difficult to work with, and often pay out is very low that I would have to see more clients than I should and be at risk for burn out.

Honestly, the list can go on but I will stop here. If you would like to learn more about this check out this helpful blog post.

Why is your fee so high?

I believe if you do not put value on your work no one will. I believe in my work. I know if we are a good fit, I can do good work with you.

I have spent a lot of time and money investing in my craft and because of this I have to set my fee to match my investment. Although sessions are 50 minutes, I spend a lot time outside of sessions researching, reading, and training to continue to hone my skills and make sure I am aware of and prepared to utilize a lot of the suggested best practices.

If my fee doesn’t match your budget, please shoot me an email and I will be happy to send you my referral list for other therapists who might be a better match financially.

How do I know I need counseling?

If you are asking this question, my guess is you probably could benefit from it. I don’t like the word need because I equate this with a necessity and if you don’t have it, you won’t survive. More than likely you will survive even if you don’t get counseling but I believe anyone and everyone can BENEFIT from counseling. It is an opportunity to focus on you and just you. When do we ever do that in life.

What do I need to do in sessions?

Be yourself! Super simple but hard at the same time.

In session, I need you to be open to the process. Know it’s going to be awkward at first. It is going to be hard. There are going to be many weeks you just don’t want to come. Come anyways.

In order for us to do our best work, you have to be willing to peel back the layers and do the work.

As I have said before and I will say again for the people in the back, therapy once a week for 50 minutes is NOT going to change your life, you have to be willing to make changes outside of session.

How often do I need to come?

I recommend weekly at first so we can get to know each other better since research shows the stronger the therapeutic relationship (between client and counselor) the better the outcomes for the client. As we continue to build a relationship, we will check-in periodically and reassess where you are to where you would like to be and adjust our sessions accordingly.

How long will I be in therapy?

It depends. Sometimes it takes longer to get un-stuck in the patterns you have learned to survive for the past 20 years. It is hard to put a time frame on healing but it can take anywhere from 6 months to several years.